Monday, June 24, 2013

traveling through Idaho

Ryan's parents writing for Ryan again (few places open to post late in the day and on weekends)
Ryan is enjoying his trek through Idaho.  He said "courtesy" is his word for Idaho.  He's been impressed with the way people here give a wide berth as they pass him and wave as they go by.

He has enjoyed meeting people along the way.  He's run into a few other bicyclists.  He enjoyed getting off road for a little while on the Weiser River trail (from Evergreen campground north about 7 miles) The river trail is an 85 mile trail that was an old railroad grade that goes from Weiser almost all the way to New Meadows and is used by equestrians, mountain bikers, and hikers. It was nice to bike without having to watch for cars for a little while.

On the summer solstice (Friday June 21st) he had a brief mini reunion with family, as we (parents Ron & Renee & sister Robin) met up with him at Evergreen Campground between Council and New Meadows.  He had a cheery campfire going and we caught up with conversation around a late supper together.

The next day we hung out briefly in New Meadows while he biked there on the trail and then met up again and all camped together along the Salmon River near Riggins.  On Sunday we said goodbye to him near White Bird, at the base of a steep grade up to White Bird Summit, where he had over 2000 ft. climb and then almost a 1000 foot drop again to Grangeville.  (We offered a lift or to take his gear but he wanted to get practice for the coming passes in the Rockies.) The bike route took the old highway up with lots of hairpin turns and switchbacks.  He called late in the afternoon to say he had made it to Grangeville. We are hoping he's not getting hit today by the downpour we got near Bend last night.

Today he will probably be connecting with highway 12, following the Clearwater, then Selway and Lochsa rivers and heading toward Lolo Pass. 

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