Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hey everyone!
             I made it, 3100 miles or so across the United States in two months and a week, or : 67 days, 335 hours, 20100 minutes or 1206000 seconds spent on my bicycle (on average) to get here. Along the way I met the most interesting people you could ever find. All of them Unique and spectacular in unexpected ways, provoking new thoughts that expanded my horizons to encompass theirs. I met challenges along my way, faced many dangers in my path, but the nice thing about having a heavy burden is that, with the weight of the world on your shoulders, the heavens seem to glide beneath your feet.
 Effortlessly freeing, my soul to flying goes.
above this world of wind and snow
 I see the sun rising, shining new
Nothing could stop me on my reckless path
 Soaring heedlessly into the sun,
Over mountains, rivers, towns and cities
 the many lives of people my course did run.
In the end though, what is gained, lost, and won
 is earned through the blood the sweat and the tears
of the one who has earned his years (that's me!)
 and learned how to keep them safe from
the roaring of the forge, contained within all of us
 to be used to craft tools when we have a dire need,
most of all when no one gives us heed.
We craft our lives with some magic spell, with our own fire we make a rainbow bridge, cast out into our bright future to be blinded by the sun. To walk calmly into oblivion, a thousand miles above the earth on a carpet of brightly colored light into the sun when you cannot see takes true faith and courage as what's needed to bike across the country, with no aid but what kindness lends you, a few maps, and a not too great sense of direction (in more ways than one), but part of that is learned, a part of that gained. Freedom I would define not as having the ability to move from place to place, but releasing from yourself those things which prevented you from already being there. Basically I mean to say that it is not those things which we bring with us that allow us to move from here to there, but what we leave behind us IS what propels us forward and beyond. And so to all of those that I left back home, I thank you for giving me the spurs to get on the road, and to you who I left behind along the way, I thank you for being a step for me to leap forward from, and to all of you. Every single one of you, I give my gratitude, and love and the knowledge that you helped  to give me to the world. I am very tired right now, but I hope that this was enough for now and that my pictures speak better than my words do right now.
Good Night, from the far side of the Moon.    ~ Ryan Nicholas Bell Roemer